My Story

welcome to one hour life.

Hello I am Omkar More and this is my First Blog. This blog is all about fitness and especially one hour that you dedicate to the gym.
So here I will be sharing you all My story till now and each and everything about fitness and living.

My fitness career started when I was 18 years old. As a beginner, it was very difficult for me to get in shape. I was having a Fat body and my face was full of pimples due to this I was not confident enough to make eye contact with anyone. The first thing when it comes to change your life is motivation and disciple. I started doing crunches and push ups at home. Day by day I was putting all my efforts to just get fit.Being a beginner, I was not having basic knowledge about muscle building and dieting. My aim was just to lose fat as much as possible It was not easy, but I used to motivate myself just by saying (आत्ता नाहीतर कधीच नाही). That’s all it takes once you get the motivation no one can stop you.

After a few months, I Joint the gym and I used to gym regularly no days off. Days past by and I was getting results. have a look below this was me before.

Months passed and I was able to see some changes in my body and after getting results it motivated me and I kept on. I started to eat clean and healthy food. All it takes is patience and discipline and you will get the results.

This is me after a year of disciple and hard work.

For more updates stay tuned.

You can follow me on instagram

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