LIGHT WEIGHTS VS HEAVY WEIGHTS (How It Works and Which one is Better.)

Confused between Both?

Many of you must be having problem on how much weight should you use while training. So there are Light weight workouts and Heavy weights workouts. How to know which workout is the Best workout and How to get the best results out of it and Grow muscles.

So Lets see…

Whats are Light Weight and Heavy Weight Workout?

For a Proper body Growth, Variations are must in order to create tension and pressure to force your muscle to grow. Light weight and Heavy weight are two different variations to grow a fully developed muscles.

Light Weight Workout:

As per the name it clearly says that exercise is done using Light weights. Lifting Light weights doesn’t mean that you cant build muscles. Yes you can definitely build muscles by lifting light weights but using proper mind muscle connection. Controlling the speed in the reps does build a proper MMC. While performing light weight exercise the Number of Repetition and Sets should be more in counts. For Eg: if you are performing Dumbell bench Press with weight 10 Kg then the number of sets should be 3-4 and Repetitions should be 15-20. You can also Try Super-set and Drop-set till failure. Weight with which you are able to perform the reps smoothly but with connection will help you to Build muscles.

Heavy Weight Workout:

If you want to Increase the Strength and push it to the next level beyond your limits then Heavy Weight Training is must. Lifting Heavy will help to Increase your strength but for increasing the strength you should be consistent and improve your performance gradually day by day. Lifting heavy weights means decreasing reps and strengthening more. For eg: if you perform a dead-lift of 50 kg with 10 reps then the next day you should increase the weights by 5 kg or according to your capacity but you should be able to perform at least 6-8 reps and the next day increase the weight more and keep lifting. This will increase your strength and will make you strong.

Which One is Better?

According to the studies, Light Weight workouts are for Muscle building and Proper muscle visibility for cutting stage for lean purpose and Heavy Weight workouts are for strength training increasing strength and mostly for bulking purpose. So both of them are the best exercises . To build a perfect Body you have to work hard and try each and every variation and never give up.

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